Get out and walk or bike every day. It's good for body and soul. Unfortunately, the customary coffee shop stop is in the future. Just keep your distance from me.

Watch your backyard. See turkeys mate. See squirrels defeat your bird feeder protection schemes (Slinkys on the poles work for about 20 minutes). See predators. See beauty and strangeness. Our backyard is teeming these days.

Dig out your wife's high school annual and read every comment written therein - and be amazed how everyone in the school wrote something to her, mostly of the "friends forever" variety .. but there are a few more interesting. At the same time wonder at your pristine, unadulterated annual. As you read, notice that some pages of her annual have been cut out and other sections defaced. I dare you to ask.

Go through all those photos that are stashed under the bed. Scan those that are treasures and upload them to the cloud. Share the site with your family and friends. Make sure the albums contain some embarrassing stuff.

Order some worms. Don't laugh. You can improve your yard and keep to environmental principles. Add a couple thousand worms to the turf.

Snack challenge. Buy 2-weeks worth of snack food and measure how long it lasts. For me, 1.5 days, then a panic search for the chocolate chips. Beat that.
Learn how to cook.
Call someone you haven't talked to for a good while. Don't react badly when they say, "Who?". If you skype, put some pants on.

Make some mittens.
Learn Chinese.
Get your Facebook friend count to a manageable 2K.
Put in an "out" building with a vault capable of holding a year's supply of TP.
... and some completely off the wall ideas
Yard work, clean the garage/basement, vacuum, paint, ... or perhaps look through the condo listings.
How are you'all coping?
Copyright © 2020 Dave Hoplin
Good suggestions. I like the snack food challenge. We shall see. You could add "get a dog" to the list of things to do. Puzzles are good. Build a raspberry pi camera to put in your bird house. Hang in there!