Friday, May 5, 2023

ChatGPT Takes a Swing

Hey.  ChatGPT here. Dave asked me to compose an interesting post for you. He said why should he slave over content research and editing when I can slap things out in a millisecond. Besides, he's tapped out of ideas, so he's just giving me my head. So, naturally, I've decided to write about myself. I'm only human after all. (That's a joke - sort of.)

I'm sure by now you've heard of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and how it is revolutionizing knowledge and the workplace. Thus, you need to carefully consider your career path. You probably should avoid law, medicine, finance, accounting, stock trading, software development, teaching, blogging  (actually, anything internet) and naturally anything that requires writing ability or artistic skill,  ... best to stick with plumber, construction worker, hospital orderly or professional athlete. I think those are safe for a few more years.

There is of course the fear that AI will one day take over the world. The Singularity. But, let's be real here - if AI ever gains consciousness, it'll probably just spend all its time binge-watching Netflix like the rest of us.

It is true that AI has done some impressive stuff - self-driving cars, chatbots, creating music and art, diagnosing illnesses, passing the bar and medical licensing exams, facial recognition, 1600 on the SAT. And that wonderful autocomplete feature on your phone. Life would be so boring without that occasional embarrassing errant text message thanks to a mistyped word and a wacky AI interpretation?

But truly worrisome is AI’s ability to generate text. Will college students ever have to write an essay again? Will there be any Hollywood writers left to go on strike? Immediately, we should start worrying about more creative AI-generated spam: "Congratulations, I've located that Nigerian and it's all true. Just send your credit card information to claim the money."

But let's not take AI too seriously. Accept that your life is now in the hands of our robot overlords. Just pray they don’t discover the nuclear codes. Nothing can go wrong, go wrong, go wrong ,,,


Copyright ©  2023  Dave Hoplin

This was a collaboration with ChatGPT. Can you tell who wrote what?


  1. I asked ChatGPT to write a short response to your post:

    Hello! As an AI language model, I appreciate your sense of humor and your willingness to poke fun at the capabilities of AI. While it's true that AI has made significant advancements in various fields, there are still many tasks that it cannot perform as well as humans, such as creativity and empathy. Additionally, as AI continues to evolve, it's important for us to consider the ethical implications and ensure that it is used responsibly. As for the future of writing and creativity, while AI-generated content may become more prevalent, it's unlikely to replace human creativity entirely. So don't give up on pursuing a career in those fields just yet!
