I got a million of 'em. DaveWhen did it get this difficult to get up off the floor?
I would really appreciate more kindness in this world.
Wisdom of the goose. By flying in a V, the flock adds 70% to the flying range to that of a solo flight. Working together trumps solo flight.
A man is cold-bloodedly assassinated on the streets of New York and people are laughing and celebrating. I weep.
You are perfectly entitled to prevent your child from reading something you disapprove of but you have no right to extend that ban to me.
Bob Dylan's son is 55.
And .. Three thumbs up for A Complete Unknown.
Soto gets $765 million from the Mets. Unbelievable. I remember shock when Harmon Killebrew pulled in $100,000 from the skinflint Calvin Griffith.
I propose a ban on the use of word “unbelievable” on all sports commentators.
Just to be clear, seeking asylum has nothing to do with mental institutions.
When immigrants boarded ships bound for the USA back in their home countries, they were asked 31 questions, including name, age, health history, whether they were polygamists or anarchists, and whether or not they had at least $25.
For a (barely) passing grade in US history you should not require Google for help on these dates:
1. Jul 4,1776
2. Apr 14,1865
3. Dec 7,1941
4. Jun 6,1944
5. Nov 22,1963
6. Sep 11,2001
7. Jan 6, 2021
When your father dies, you lose your umbrella. Irish proverb
The past is not dead. It is not even past . William Faulkner
History is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren't there. George Santayana
Why couldn't life’s problems hit us at 17 when we knew everything.
Getting older is almost like changing species, from cute middle-aged, white-tailed deer to yak. Anne Lamont
I am rapidly approaching the third stage species change - Warthog.
If any one of you cry at my funeral, I will never speak to you again. Stan Laurel
By 2040, as few as 10 countries will have enough snow to host the Winter Olympics.
Are you old enough to understand this road sign? "Ensure your windows are rolled up before traveling this bridge". - - - - Storseisundet Bridge, Norway
“Joe, how does it make you feel
to know that our host only yesterday
may have made more money
than your novel ‘Catch-22’
has earned in its entire history?”
And Joe said, “I’ve got something he can never have.”
And I said, “What on earth could that be, Joe?”
And Joe said, “The knowledge that I’ve got enough.” Kurt Vonnegut
Just a little bit more. John D. Rockefeller's response to "How much is enough?"
It would be nice if the billionaires would just stick to their obscene money-grubbing and leave me alone.
Facebook is eliminating 3rd party fact checking in favor of “community notes”. All in the name of free speech. Billionaires are really cowards underneath their bluster.
Character is destiny. Heraclitus
Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are likely correct.
I wish I knew what I know now back when I could still do it.
Isn’t an invite to the Mayonnaise Bowl kind of an insult to start with and then they compound it with an end-of-game bath in the stuff?
You cannot convince me that the incredible increase in the size, speed, strength and muscle mass of NFL players can be explained solely by improved diet and training regimens.
Or college and high schools for that matter.
Pushing a drink on a person who doesn’t want one is ill-mannered in the extreme.
I've given up trying to fix people - and that includes myself.
It is solved by walking. St. Augustine
Anything worth doing is worth doing badly. G.K. Chesterton
This quote seems a paradox, but the idea is, if something is worth doing, you should make an attempt even if it results in a botched effort. [Some exceptions - maybe not brain surgery]
One always tends to overpraise a long book, because one has got through it. E.M. Forster
Read Jacques Barzun's 'From Dawn to Decadence'. It's quite wonderful. 912 p
I am so relieved. Angelina and Brad have finally reached a divorce settlement.
The percentage of young men aged 20 to 24 who are neither in school nor working has tripled since 1980.
When I think back on how rarely I thought of my grandparents in my youth versus how often I now think of my grandchildren, it’s kind of embarrassing.
There is no need to repeal the First Amendment. The self censorship by the Fourth Estate is working perfectly. Lord, protect us from spineless editors. TBW
kak·i·sto·cra·cy Look it up.
I’m pretty sure I have more fun writing these than you do reading them.
Copyright © 2025 Dave Hoplin