Monday, July 8, 2024

Deep Thoughts Vol 4

Do you think stroking your chin actually helps brain function?

Why is it that the very wealthy or famous think their notoriety qualifies them as an authority on any subject?

"With the internet, you can have a paranoid fantasy at breakfast and a cult following by teatime."  Quote credit: Must be a Brit. We don't do teatime this side of the pond.

This is frightening. Google has acquired the stupidity of millions of Reddit comments to train its AI technology.

Those optimistic assessments of AI's potential for good reminds me of the early days of social media - and we know how that has turned out.

An Easter service and not a single Easter bonnet.  Another lost tradition. Too bad.

But, of course. Let's leverage Holy Week hawking a $60 God Bless America Bible.

Why do people no longer play croquet?

Sometimes it takes a half-a-day to come up with the word I need to complete a sentence.

I told my wife that mistakes should be embraced. It's how we get experience. She gave me a big hug.

Time is passing me by. I turned to the oldie's station looking for the Everly Brothers and got Bon Jovi.

WWJD is about as far from WWDJTD as you can get.

My annual resolution. I will keep annual weight gain to less than one stone

You have definitely reached old age when thoughts of time are dominated by memories rather than dreams.

After 70, stay vertical at all costs. Falls can kill you.

As we age, continue to learn. Aging is grad school.

"I wanted to read Anna Karenina and everybody else wanted to do stuff in the back of cars." Barbara Kingsolver   Which category did you fall in in your youth? 

I thought she wanted us back in 1950 but I guess it’s actually 1590.  Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, wrote, “God is sending America strong signs to tell us to repent. Earthquakes and eclipses and many more things to come.”

My old-age fear is not being able to read.

I don't understand annuities.  Give them all your money and then they give it back to you a little at a time.

My fear is that all these climate change deniers really believe it is not a real problem. This is just one of the rampant false beliefs that has me frightened.

“Invaluable” is one of my favorite words. You know, like inaccurate, incurable, invalid, incoherent … And thank you. Your assistance has been invaluable.

Do they still teach history in high school? If so, then why ... oh never mind.

No one is entirely useless.  You can always serve as a bad example.  Credit: unknown.

A rare book is a loaned book that actually gets returned.

As you approach an intersection and the light turns yellow, do accelerate or brake?

Can you explain the symbiotic relationship between mobile homes and tornados?

"If you have any friends who aspire to become writers, the second-greatest favor you can do them is to present them with copies of The Elements of Style. The first-greatest, of course, is to shoot them now, while they're happy."  Dorothy Parker

If you recognize you've forgotten something you should know, it may just be slow retrieval times due to your terra-byte cranial database?

“It is not so much the sight of immorality of the great that is to be feared as that of immorality leading to greatness.”  Alexis de Tocqueville in Democracy in America

If you think you are a deep thinker, you are probably wrong.

I hate the histrionic Star Spangled Banner performances so common at sporting events. Just sing it straight.

"To do good is noble. To tell others to do good is even nobler and much less trouble." Mark Twain

Deep science ... genetic sequencing of the Minnesota State Fair corn dog.

Fathers' Day used to be the day when the most collect calls of the year were made - for those that remember such things.

I did not know Roy Orbison was Norwegian -  born in Vernon, Texas, to Orbie Lee

Soon I'll have garnered enough of these to publish a coffee table book.

Copyright ©  2024  Dave Hoplin


  1. I wish you would put it all together and publish, or perish. Your choice. lol

  2. Words fail me. I really believed this would be a good cycling year for you after last year's medically induced wipeout. Hope the healing is fast, whatever the orthopedic world metes out to you. I hadn't realized the pipe incident was 2017--I would've said three years ago. Hope you're back in the saddle well before Fall, or maybe it's safer to say Autumn. Hope you find some great book titles to escape into. Grrr.
