Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Great Questions of Our Time

The world is in turmoil facing multiple extreme crises. Ukraine, Gaza, North Korea,  Russia and China cozying up, El Nino, wild fires  ... Daunting.

But here in Minnesota, those problems pale compared to the introduction of a new Minnesota state flag.  Personally, I like the new blue with the state outline in dark blue and the blues of water and sky making for a simple, distinctive and easily identifiable as a flag of Minnesota.  However, the vitriol that this has inspired is breath-taking. Countless words have been expended on social media deriding and defending. My favorite thread argues that the old flag with the white settler plowing and the Native American riding into the sunset is not symbolic of the supplanting of the native tribes because .. if the Native American were being banished to the Dakotas, we would see the rear-end of the horse heading west.  

Creative defense don't you think?  Have a closer look. 

And praise the Loon, the symbol of our state will now appear on the State Seal. I do believe that the Loon is perfect for Minnesota, nevertheless, I much prefer the North Star, prominent on the new flag. 

But, alas, this has all become political and we know how those things go. 

Time to let go, we have much more pressing problems to deal with.

I. So .. I turn on the TV and get comfortable on the sofa to watch the Twins and I get ... this!  The near bankrupt Bally Sports is in a blood feud with Comcast and as a result "Bally Sports is no longer available".  No Twins, no PWHL, no Wild, no Timberwolves, no Minnesota sports on Comcast. When Bally was on-air, I watched the Twins spin off 12 in a row. Now, forced into listening on WCCO, they've dropped 7 in a row. Must be a connection. Why are people not in the streets?  

II. At $30/year, the new black-out license plates are rapidly supplanting the traditional ivory and blue standard issue. If I were the cynical type, I might think this was a blatant DMV money grab. Distressing.  Surely there is something dreadfully wrong with a white on black license plate. And believe it or not, the idea was stolen from Iowa - another reason to be upset. Let's light up the internet.  Another conspiracy theory is just what's needed there.  Then again, maybe a constitutional amendment is required.

III. And finally, the most crucial question facing Minnesotans .. what restaurant should Charles Barkley patronize during the NBA western conference finals???  Forget Fhima's, it must be Minnesota's iconic eating establishment. 

Copyright ©  2024  Dave Hoplin


  1. “Miles of Smiles”! JL:)

  2. I do love how you look at the world, it’s so beautifully written and so easy to understand, maybe a little bit like “Garage Logic “, It just makes me smile.
    Thank You for that.
