Saturday, December 11, 2021

The Greatest Generation's Kids

The Greatest Generation endured the Great Depression, fought WWII to save Democracy from Fascism and built the greatest economic power the world has ever seen. They also spawned the baby boom.

I, as part of the "Baby Boomer" generation (1946-1964) the offspring of the Greatest Generation, belong to the Greatest Disappointment generation - or perhaps the Great Failure generation. We began with the youthful optimism & idealism of JFK's Best & Brightest and the promise to bring forth a better world. It went badly off the rails.

We are the "bulge inside the python", the luckiest in history living in almost continuous prosperity, catered to at every stage of our lives. That should imbue a responsibility to pay it forward, be good stewards of our environment, show empathy for those less well off and work to ensure the health and well-being of future generations.

Instead, we pull up the ladder behind us; play the "he who dies with the most toys wins" game; convincing ourselves we are the poor me victim while drawing social security and medicare coverage; opposing universal health care and a social safety net because people "might become dependent" on it. (Look up "sanctimonious"). The sad fact is, ".. them's whats gots, keeps". And endlessly pursues more. We are the "I am the Greatest" posers. But, Millennials, hang on, Boomers over 70 are are sitting on $35 trillion.

Baby Boomers occupy 68/100 Senate seats, 230/435 House seats.  Here's my recommendation:  vote 'em out. 

Of course, I generalize. None of this universally applies. But nevertheless - Gen Xer's, Millennials, Gen Z ... my apologies. 

Perhaps there is still time for restitution.  We took to the streets once .. perhaps once again beating sticks against our walkers.

Copyright ©  2021  Dave Hoplin 


  1. Well said, our generation is acting like we don’t care about the world after we die, aggressively so in many cases. “Empathy” and “paying forward” will be rattling through my brain like an ear worm today. Yesterday I watched a video of students talking about their work in my alma mater Comp Sci department. I found myself getting teary at their pure enthusiasm and belief in the future. We oldies need to connect with that.
