Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Dear Olaf

My theory is that a first born child is an experiment, a practice run if you will. Successors are always improved models-until the fourth, when numbers overwhelm. It seems logical.

Here's a letter from my grandmother to her brother who was still in France awaiting his turn at repatriation to the USA after the end of WWI. I believe this supports my hypothesis.

2nd Born
"... sleeps most of the time"
"...she's alright so far"
"... worry she would turn out a colic baby like ... "

And, by the way, also brighter ..
1st Born  ".. thought she was a cat"

Full disclosure:  I am first-born.

Copyright © 2017 Dave Hoplin

1 comment:

  1. This is definitely the equivalent of a 4th child's baby book.
