Then they came for ... the Lutherans.
Wisdom and knowledge are not the same thing.
I am always happy to see something medical in the crossword clues. Chances are I've experienced it.
I find myself rooting for Ukraine, Panama, Canada, Denmark, Greenland, Mexico.
On subjects about which there is nothing to say, it is wisest to say that. Ludwig Wittgenstein
If you are voting against something, you should really understand what you are voting for as well.
When you come to a fork in the road, take it. Yogi
You can trap wasps in a jar without a lid because they don't look up. Look up once in awhile.
Mitch McConnell is a little late to the show.
Most people would not argue too much against “cutting government spending”. But suppose the question was phrased as .. do you support “denying an elderly woman access to oxygen” or “letting half a billion dollars in food aid spoil” or “eviscerating spending that aids cancer research"?
I'm guessing each of you know at least one person who has been laid off recently without justification.
The Human Genome Project was funded by the Department of Energy's Health and Environmental Research partnered with the National Institute of Health, sequencing and mapping of the genes of human DNA and leading to endless medical advances. Probably couldn't happen today.
The only way anyone can afford a house these days is to have bought it 20 years ago.
Think about this. Princeton and Yale began admitting women in 1969 with Brown University following in 1971 and Dartmouth in 1972. The lone Ivy holdout, Columbia University, did not admit women until 1983.
He has had a happy life, the kind that doesn't make for an interesting story. Colum McCann, Author
Staying in is the new going out.
Have the Twins ever had a more fragile ballplayer than Royce Lewis? Bring back Doc Lentz.
We are now in an age where legislators bring bills to the floor with no expectation of passage or working in the public interest, but simply to score political points.
So of course I have to say something about eggs. I like them over easy.
The proposal to evict Palestinians and turn Gaza into a resort area to rival the Riviera smacks of cruelty wrapped in thinly disguised self interest.
What do you suppose people who were alive B.C.E were thinking as each year got closer and closer to zero?
Maybe if there had been a Tesla in the Capitol Rotunda on Jan 6, there might have been more outrage.
Vaccines have eradicated or dramatically reduced numerous infectious diseases and saved millions of lives. Polio, smallpox, tetanus, mumps, malaria, whooping cough, diphtheria ... Measles & Rubella ... oops.
Here's the key to a successful diet. If it tastes good, spit it out.
Saying no is OK. In fact it is at times necessary for your mental health. So have the courage to beg off. I once told someone, sorry there's a Gomer Pyle episode I don't want to miss. But try not to be a jerk like me with your excuses.
When you start a trade war, what actually are you fighting for? And what does winning mean?
Minnesota High School hockey and basketball tournaments cause blizzards in alternate years.
The sound of IRAs crashing is not restful. The "Magnificent Seven" (Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, Microsoft, Nvidia, and Tesla) have shed nearly $3 trillion since their December '24 highs (Mar '25)
This should get your hackles up. Pure pettiness. The DOD has removed a web page dedicated to Pfc Ira Hayes, a Pima Indian and one of the 6 marines photographed raising the flag over Iwo Jima's Mt. Surabachi, all part of this administration's effort to erase any and all references to diversity in our history. (This is just one of many removed pages devoted to minority service members, including Jackie Robinson-since restored)
A good poem can make your eyes water.
Make this your mantra. Between deep breathes. "Thank you, Lord, for this good life and make me aware of the needs of others."
Copyright © 2025 Dave Hoplin